Our Guide to Business Liability Waiver Forms for Small Businesses

You may think that a business liability waiver is something only large companies need. But the truth of it is, any company can experience an accident on their property and be liable for injuries caused by others—including customers! When starting a small business, it’s essential to protect yourself and your business by using a waiver form.
This guide will outline what a business liability waiver is and why it’s vital for your business. We also explain what information you should include in your waiver form.
What is a Business Liability Waiver?
A business liability waiver is a legal document that releases a company or individual from liability in the event of an accident or injury. This waiver can protect businesses from being responsible for property damage, personal injury, or even death.
A liability waiver is a legal agreement that both parties must sign. The primary aim of a liability release is to create legal proof that you informed your consumers about potential dangers. They also agreed to waive their rights to sue if they become injured or ill.
For example, if you own a small business and someone slips and falls on your property, they could sue you for their medical expenses. However, if you have an online waiver in place, the individual could not sue you as they would have signed away their rights.
Another popular waiver form these days is a Covid liability waiver. This type of waiver protects businesses from liability if someone contracts Covid-19 after visiting them.
Why is it important to sign an online waiver?
As a business owner, it’s essential to protect your business from liability. By having a waiver in place, you can help to ensure that customers do not hold your company responsible for any accidents or injuries that may occur. This waiver form can also provide peace of mind for employees, knowing that customers cannot hold them liable in the event of an accident.
There are many circumstances when you may use a business liability waiver. Some common scenarios include:
– If you own a gym or fitness centre, customers may need to sign a waiver before using equipment or taking part in classes.
– If you offer outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, or kayaking, customers may need to sign a waiver before participating in these activities.
– If you host events such as weddings or parties at your business, you may ask guests to sign a waiver form.
– If you operate a daycare centre or school, you may ask parents to sign a waiver form.
What should you include in the waiver form?
When making a business liability waiver, including all the necessary information is crucial.
This includes:
– The name and contact information of the company or individual
– A description of the activities that will take place
– A statement releasing the company or individual from liability
– The signature of the person or persons agreeing to the waiver
It’s also essential to make sure that your waiver is clear and easy to understand. Remember also to make the business liability waiver mandatory for all customers.
Be sure to have it reviewed by a legal professional to meet all the requirements. Another option is to use a pre-made business liability waiver template from WaiverForever. Our professionally designed templates can fit your specific needs regardless of business size.
Remember, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your business. Having a business liability waiver in place can help to protect you and your company from potential legal action. If you’re looking for an easy way to create a waiver form, click here.